Tuition Fee

Tuition Fee

  • Tuition fee shall be charged for all the twelve months. It should be paid on or before as follows:
    | Term - 5th of June
    Il Term - 5th of September
    III Term - 5th of December
    IV Term - 5th of March
  • Last date for payment of term fee without fine is 5th of the concerned month. A fine of Rs.2/- per day will be charged till 10th of the concerned month.
  • The last date for the payment of term fee with fine is 20th of the concerned month.
  • In addition to tuition fee other charges prescribed by the management should be paid at the time of admission and at the beginning of the academic year.
  • Tuition fee should be paid in cash or cheque in the school counter.
  • Failure to clear the fees dues before last working day in a term shall lead to readmission fee equivalent to one term's tuition fees.
  • Excemption from readmission fee shall not be entertained.
  • Parents proceeding on leave due to unforeseen reasons may deposit tuition fee of their children in advance.
  • Tuition Fee And Other Charges Once Paid Shall Not Be Refunded.
  • Parents desirous of withdrawing their children should intimate the school one term in advance or one term fee in lieu thereof.
  • Pupils joining or leaving during the middle of the term shall have to pay the fees for full term