Students should reach the school ten minutes before school timings.
Student should attend the prayer every day and sing in chorus.
Students reaching the school after the commencement of the prayer will not be allowed to join the classes.
Courtesy and respect should mark the student's dealings with all. Teachers should be appropriately greeted.
Students should attend the school in the prescribed uniform neatly washed and well pressed.
Students quarrelling with each other insulting others in unparliamentary language will be warned once and if not rectified, will be dismissed from the school.
Students resorting to mal-practice in any of the examinations will be asked to leave the school.
Students failing in any class twice will not be allowed to continue.
In all matters pertaining to discipline the authority rests with the Principal and her decision shall be final and abiding.
The school should be looked on as second home and should be kept neat and clean. The school property should be preserved with care. Furniture and walls should not be marked or disfigured.
Pupils who come to class without the proper uniform must bring a note of excuse from their parents else they may be asked to return home.
The students are forbidden to enter into other classes outside class hours.
Children are strictly forbidden to leave the school premises during the school hours without the prior permission of the Principal.
If a student loses a Library book she/he must replace the same book and if that is not possible, another book by the same author.
Presents to members of the staff by pupils and parents or guardians are not allowed.
No books or magazines, play things or cell phones may be brought to the school or circulated among the students without the permission of the principal.
If fee is not paid within three months the name will be removed from the roll and re-admission fee will be levied.
All are expected to speak English in the School.
Each and every pupil should endeavour to keep up the high tone of the school by excelling in good manners and department.